Crashing the White House

Huge tent on the south lawn (Getty)

A couple apparently crashed the White House state dinner the other night, held in a fantastic tent on the south lawn that I think the Bushes used a couple of times. I don’t typically blog about news events, even as they pertain to the White House, but I just wanted to note a couple of things about the coverage.

  • It’s a slow news day, so anything of national interest is going to make headlines.
  • Even proper party guests don’t get into the White House without being screened for weapons.
  • People who represent a serious security risk would not have gotten in.
  • That was a beautiful dress.

I regard this as less a breach of security than a breach of state protocol, but the couple will obviously face some serious questioning, and shrugging it off as a harmless prank isn’t going to cut it. I see a public apology and community service in their future.